Website Manager


-Call to order at 5:30 pm by Heidi Scarsella

-Attendees: Heidi Scarsella, Vince Pollaro, Jason May, Joe Amatucci, Shaun Mellinger, Bob Patsilievas

-Absent: Nate Wilkinson and Sonny Amato 


Name is officially changed to North Hills Youth Basketball Club (new EIN number).  The club still owns NHBYB in case the boys/girls ever decide to function separately.


Balance is shy of $3K, bills to be paid are $250 for EIN number and $20 for GoDaddy that secures our website 


Meeting was on 8-13-21 with Heidi Scarsella and Mr. Weber in attendance.  All Health and Safety protocols/plans will be given to those using school facilities.  Those plans can include limited gym capacities, wearing masks, hand sanitizing before entering gym.  Since COVID/variant is a fluid situation we should be ready for changes as they come.  We will need to use a NHYB log in to reserve gym times.  Gym reservations can start Oct.1  The goal is for NHYB to provide inclusive basketball opportunities in the NHSD to promote community and player development.


Tasks to be completed are-

Board Insurance (need an initial policy)


Club insurance for players based on number of games

Secure Referees 


Update website

Uniforms and spiritwear

Health and safety plan statement added to website and flyer

Flyer in PeachJar (all elem and middle school)

Refund Policy

Future Business:

Creating Committee members for 22-23 season 

We are in need of volunteers and new board members.  We can add this to the registration to identify those willing to help.


-Head coach/assistant coach (or bench parent)

-Uniform and Spirit wear coordinator


-Coach Manager (gather clearances)

-Youth Coordinator


1.       Raising cost of in house and travel to accommodate the additional fees associated with paying youth to run the clock/be present on Saturdays for the boys in house and girls community games.

2.       Determining how many travel teams (A and B, or A only) will be based on registration numbers and at the discretion of the grade level travel coach

3.       Hiring youth or adult assistants to help manage the in house boys and community girls program on Saturdays.  

The board voted unanimously (using text for those members who were unable to attend) and motions 1,2,3 passed.

The timeline of the season will be Sept 1-15 registration, Oct 1 starting evals/teams forming, Nov 1 practices, Dec 1 games, ending by first week in Feb.

Meeting adjourned at 6:50 with some members continuing to meet regarding uniform choices.

North Hills Youth Basketball

Please Email, the Board of Directors
Email : [email protected]
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